One cysticercosis Ag ELISA (human, pig). A number of assays for antibodies to T. solium in humans are now available commercially. These use ELISA or western blot technology.
One cysticercosis Ag ELISA (human, pig). A number of assays for antibodies to T. solium in humans are now available commercially. These use ELISA or western blot technology.
There is limited production thus affecting distribution and availability in Africa, Latin America and Asia.
Methods are described in the OIE Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals 2019 Chapter 3.9.5. – (5) Cysticercosis. These include:1. Identification of the agent ;2. Serological tests (Ag and Ab detection) ;3. Molecular confirmation.WHO FAO OIE guidelines for surveillance and prevention and control of taeniosis/cysticercosis (2005): chapter 4, pp 45-56 (6).
Yes. The commercial potential is there for human cysticercosis, not for porcine cysticercosis.
None available.
Current immunological tests for diagnosis are insufficiently specific to form the basis for their evaluation in relation to differentiation of responses to infection versus vaccination.
Development of a diagnostic test that has a high positive and negative predictive value and, particularly, a lack of cross-reactivity with T. hydatigena.Development of high performing, field applicable tests (TPPs).
See Section “Main means of prevention, detection and control – Diagnostic tools”.
Cysvax® available from Indian Immunologicals Limited, Hyderabad, India.
Registration and availability in more endemic countries.
To date field trials of this combined strategy (human treatment, pig treatment ad vaccination, education) have been 100% effective in eliminating viable infection with T. solium.Vaccination with Cysvax®, or the TSOL18 on which the vaccine is based, together with oxfendazole medication of pigs, has been evaluated in field trials undertaken in Cameroon, Peru, Nepal, Tanzania, Zambia and Uganda. To date 71,012 pigs have been vaccinated, 698 vaccinated pigs have been assessed by necropsy (187 half carcass, 511 full carcass) up to 12 months after vaccination. No vaccinated pig has been found to harbour a viable T. solium cyst.The main shortcoming of Cysvax® is the requirement to give two immunizations. Cysvax® is not believed to clear cysts already present at the time of vaccination (hence the recommendation to combine vaccination with oxfendazole medication).
See Section “Main means of prevention, detection and control – Vaccines”.
None in Europe.The importance of cysticercosis due to T. solium in humans increases the costs of the disease, but it remains to be seen whether the significance of the disease in endemic countries will be sufficient to push commercial production of the vaccine for use in pigs to prevent cysticercosis and to break the chain.
Challenges with cost and maintenance of registration.Lack of interest/commitment on policy level.
Feasible to manufacture but will depend on the demand and potential markets. This in turn will be linked to cost especially for the developing countries. Lack of commercial incentives for use of cysticercosis vaccine by poor farmers.As the disease is considered a neglected tropical disease affecting resource poor farmers, governments need to be convinced to adopt vaccination and treatment as a control measure.
Limited but could be used in a region or zone as part of a control programme.
Oxfendazole (30mg/kg) is effective to kill cysticerci in pigs (not in the brain) but withdrawal times need to be adhered to (21 days). Oxfendazole also impacts on other gastro-intestinal helminths.Registered for pigs in India for PCC (ongoing in SA).
Challenges with cost and maintenance of registration.Lack of interest/commitment on policy level.
Oxfendazole currently available as a GMP-manufactured product registered for use in pigs for cysticercosis (in India).
Published Target Product Profiles already developed by the WHO and published.
From development through validation to commercial availability will be time consuming (5 to 10 years).
The development of an improved diagnostic test is expensive. It is questionable if a potential market is available.
See above(for human: test that detects cysticerci only outside the brain).
Not applicable.
Currently available evidence indicates that Cysvax® is almost 100% effective and protection is maintained for the lifespan of most pigs. A vaccine which simultaneously eliminated pre-existing infection would be an improvement, but the costs of scale-up and registration would be unlikely to be borne by any company considering the effectiveness of the existing vaccination and medication approach.Single-shot vaccine.Combination of Cysvax® with other commercially valuable porcine vaccines used or needed in T. solium endemic countries, particularly African Swine Fever, if an effective vaccine were ever developed commercially.
10+ years.
A single shot vaccine might be achieved by pulse-release vaccine formulations or by live recombinant vaccine bacterial or viral vectors which may give a long-lasting immunity after one immunisation.
Protection level when a combined vaccine is administered.
Time to develop would depend on the product and the trials necessary to validate the efficacy and safety. Commercial production would then take further time.
Costly. With oxfendazole already on the market it is unlikely that big pharmaceutical companies will endeavour into the costly development of new products.
Porcine cysticercosis occurs when pigs become infected with the larval (metacestode) stages of Taenia solium after ingestion of its eggs. Humans are the definitive host of the tapeworm, which causes taeniosis. Humans may also act as accidental intermediate hosts and develop human cysticercosis.
The cysticerci of the human tapeworm T. solium cause porcine cysticercosis and occur mainly in muscles and the central nervous system, though the liver and other organs of the pig may also be infected.There may be single or multiple metacestode larval infections in humans and pigs.An Asian and an Afro/American genotype of T. solium have been described.The adult stages of T. solium occur in the intestine of humans. Usually only one adult worm is observed, though there are numerous reports of multiple worms in one individual.
The tapeworm’s eggs are shed into the intestine within a proglottid and subsequently may spill out into the intestinal contents. The eggs remain in the faecal bolus and when excreted may be disseminated by rain, wind and invertebrates, contaminating soil, vegetation and water. T. solium eggs are immediately infective for both pigs and humans following release from the tapeworm and can survive in the environment for months.
Porcine cysticercosis may be caused by the larval stages of the parasitic cestodes T. solium, Taenia hydatigena and Taenia asiatica. Only T. solium causes cysticercosis in the muscle or central nervous system of pigs.
Possible involvement of dogs, wild pigs, warthogs, non-human primates.
Human cysticercosis occurs by accidental ingestion of T. solium tapeworm eggs, via human-to-human transmission or auto infection (when eggs released by a tapeworm hatch in the stomach of the same host, provoking cysticercosis in the host harbouring the adult worm). Infection occurs when an oncosphere enters the body and forms a cysticercus, which may establish in the muscles, subcutaneously, in the eyes and in the central nervous system, leading to the most serious form, neurocysticercosis.Human taeniosis occurs after consumption of undercooked pork infected with viable cysticerci, whereafter a tapeworm may establish in the human intestines.
Mechanical vectors only, whereby insects have been shown experimentally to have the potential to carry taeniid eggs.
Only humans, pigs.Dogs have been shown to develop naturally acquired infections with viable cysticerci. In areas where dogs are eaten, they pose a potential risk for transmission if the meat is eaten raw or inadequately cooked.Environmental reservoir/contamination, see 1.3.
Human-to-pig transmission when pigs ingest eggs shed by tapeworm carriers (see above), leading to porcine cysticercosis.Pig-to-human transmission via consumption of undercooked pork infected with viable cysticerci, leading to human taeniosis.Human-to-human transmission (ingestion of eggs from a tapeworm carrier, mechanical via contaminated food/water, auto-infection), leading to human cysticercosis.
Parasite eggs are shed from humans infected with the adult tapeworm, ingested by pigs, after which the oncospheres penetrate the intestine and migrate to muscle tissue, and the brain and develop into cysticerci. The parasite life cycle is completed when humans ingest undercooked pork containing viable cysticerci. Cysticerci evaginate and attach to the small intestine by their scolex resulting in human tapeworm infection.
Usually asymptomatic, although seizures can occur and have been observed. Like in humans, the type and severity of the clinical signs depend on the number and location of the larvae. Heavy infections can result in severe seizures.
Further details on pathogenesis of porcine cysticercosis and clinical symptoms, including factors that trigger seizures. These could be helpful to better understand the natural history of central nervous system infections in human.
Cysticerci may be visible by 6 weeks and fully developed between 60 to 70 days after infection.
No data, appears to be minimal.
Adult tapeworms which develop in humans may reside in the small intestine for months/years. Multiple proglottids may be released each day after the worm has matured, commonly as many as 5 segments per day per worm, each with tens of thousands of eggs which are immediately infective to pigs and humans when passed.
Development of cysticerci in different tissues in pigs and humans. Collagen deposition in the pig brain tissue, showing as large fibrotic scars and moderate amount of collagen deposited around cysts. Only viable cysticerci remain infective.
Immunological responses to the cysticerci in the pig brain (cellular versus humoral) (as a model for human infection).
Worldwide, taeniasis and cysticercosis are common parasitic infections in areas where pigs roam freely and can come in contact with human faeces harbouring parasite eggs, mostly due to poor sanitation and where meat inspection is not (sufficiently) performed. Cysticercosis and taeniosis are rare in the U.S. and most parts of Europe.
Risk has been related with (free ranging) pigs, lack of meat inspection, consumption of undercooked meat, poor sanitation/personal hygiene, environmental faecalizationand lack of knowledge.Specifically, for taeniosis: consumption of undercooked meat (culinary habits), lack of meat inspection, bad practices related to infected meat (improper disposal, lack of freezing, lack of heating).For cysticercosis: living in a household with a tapeworm carrier (close contacts), poor sanitation and poor personal hygiene. If there is a human excreting T. solium eggs in the environment, human cysticercosis can occur in local population even though pork is not eaten, and the environment is not shared with pigs.
Human cysticercosis often becomes symptomatic only when cysticerci are developing, degenerating, dying or becoming large enough to interfere with the blood flow. Cysticerci in the muscles do not generally cause symptoms. Sub-cutaneous nodules in humans are common in parts of Latin America and Asia. Although rare, in the eyes cysticerci may cause blurry or disturbed vision and may also cause swelling or detachment of the retina. Symptoms of neurocysticercosis depend upon the number, stage and localisation of cysticerci found in the central nervous system. Epileptic seizures and severe progressive chronic headaches are the most common symptoms. Confusion, lack of attention to people and surroundings, difficulty with balance, hydrocephalus may also occur. Death can occur suddenly with heavy infections or in case of low infections when hydrocephalus is created.T. solium taeniosis is usually asymptomatic; though rare cases of abdominal complaints, nausea, weight loss, diarrhoea, constipation have been described.
High. This is classified as a neglected zoonosis. Neurocysticercosis (and taeniosis) is not a notifiable disease in most countries. Neurocysticercosis requires imaging for diagnosis which leads to an underestimation in areas where such facilities are lacking or less accessible due to the high cost.
T. solium eggs spread from human-to-human, through contaminated food and drinking water or by direct contact with infected faecal material.See also Section “Zoonotic Potential - Risk of occurrence in humans, populations at risk, specific risk factors”.
There is evidence of epileptic fits in infected pigs, indicating a previously under-acknowledged animal welfare issue. Porcine neurocysticercosis might have a negative impact on welfare due to altered behaviour patterns in pigs (including less time spent on feeding, more passive behaviour and decreased social interaction). Confinement of the pigs is recommended for control of this parasite, to avoid pigs having access to human stool whilst this can reduce some welfare issues (tether wounds, potential harm to free-ranging pigs) there is a potential for detrimental welfare outcomes when insufficient consideration is given to housing design, environmental enhancement, water and feed provision.
T. solium is found principally in resource poor areas of Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, non-Islamic countries of Asia, including India and China, where there are free ranging, scavenging pigs and where sanitation is poor or lacking and meat inspection is not or poorly performed.
Endemic; unlikely to occur as an epidemic, but clusters of infection have been reported in regions where the full life cycle does not occur.
Possibly in pigs where the infection is linked to the period of harvesting – pigs that are housed or tethered in the crop growing season are allowed to roam after harvesting.
See also Section “Stability of the agent/pathogen in the environment”.
Important in a post elimination phase: Depends on the number of tapeworm carriers (humans), level of hygiene and sanitation, the contamination of the environment and presence of free roaming pigs, or pigs with access to human stool.
Spread by people (human-to-pig or human-to-human) and infected pork sold across borders (pig-to-human).
Monitoring and surveillance systems.
For porcine cysticercosis: Pigs acquire infection from ingestion of segments and eggs contained in human faeces that may also contaminate herbage, water, vegetation etc.
For porcine cysticercosis: Insects have been shown experimentally to have the potential to transport taeniid eggs (dung beetles with T. solium and T. saginata; flies with T. hydatigena).
Free roaming pigs. Lack of meat inspection, lack of knowledge. Consumption of undercooked meat. Clinically normal humans infected with T. solium excreting high levels of tapeworm eggs in their faeces. Poor sanitation and hygiene.
Humoral, cellular, and non-specific host responses to cysticerci. High levels of protective immunity are induced by immunization of pigs with antigens in oncospheral extracts. It is considered that immunity in pigs is largely antibody mediated as evidenced by passive and maternal transfer of immunity which occurs in hosts of related taeniid species (not shown for T. solium specifically).
In pigs: Antibody and antigen detection. All existing serological tests show (high) levels of cross-reactivity (with T. hydatigena and other infections).
Development and evaluation of highly specific and sensitive serological tests for T. solium, adapted to the place of use.
Contact between pigs and human stool or feed, water, environment contaminated with infected human stool needs to be prevented. Housing of pigs may play an important role, whereby safe feed and water should be provided. Sanitation (use of toilet, hand washing) and specific sanitation practices should be implemented for the disposal of human stool after treatment. Food hygiene practices should be applied.The effectiveness of these measures is strongly linked to uptake and compliance of the good practises.
Diagnosis in animals is usually based on the detection of the cysticerci at meat inspection (low sensitivity) or necropsy. In many endemic countries farmers and pig traders look at the tongue to detect cysts or cut external masseters for cyst detection (ante mortem). Light infections are often missed. Tests for antibodies or antigens in serum are not used currently for the diagnosis of cysticercosis in pigs except for research purposes. The existing tests show limitations in sensitivity and specificity.Full carcass dissection is the current gold standard, though only used for research purposes.Target Product Profiles (TPPs) have been developed, including TPPs for porcine cysticercosis.
Cysvax® is the only commercially available, registered vaccine for porcine cysticercosis. It is manufactured under Good Manufacturing Practice conditions by Indian Immunologicals Limited in Hyderabad, India. The vaccine incorporates the recombinant TSOL18 oncosphere antigen expressed by Pichia pastoris. The vaccine has been shown to be safe and effective in field trials that were undertaken in Cameroon, Peru Nepal, Tanzania, Zambia, and Uganda. The vaccine is registered in India and Bhutan, with registration dossiers submitted in several countries in East and Southern Africa and South-East Asia.
Cysvax® is not believed to have any impact on cysticerci that may be in the muscles of pigs at the time they are vaccinated. For this reason, the vaccine is recommended to be given together with an oral medication (30mg/kg) with oxfendazole which will eliminate any cysticerci that may have established in the muscles prior to full vaccination. Two doses are needed to obtain maximum protection.
Other vaccine candidates have been developed/ are under development but have been less extensively tested and are currently not commercialised nor registered.
30mg/kg oxfendazole kills 100% muscle cysts within 4 weeks of dosing; it does not kill brain cysts. Dead cysts leave lesions for as long as 6.5 months after treatment; a large number of such lesions could potentially make a carcase inedible. Cysticerci are degenerated (and no longer infectious) within one week after treatment. Drug residues in the meat of treated pigs require the animals to be withheld from slaughter for human consumption for 21 days. A single manufacturer of oxfendazole has the drug available as a product registered for use against porcine cysticercosis (Oxfenvet). Manufacturing, and registration of the product has recently been transferred from MCI Santé Animale in Morocco to Indian Immunologicals Limited in India.
(For taeniosis: Treat humans against tapeworms and introduce sanitation for the disposal of human faeces.).
No contact of pigs with infected human stool or contaminated feed/water. Enclose pigs, no feeding with human stool.
Legislation regarding border control is available and is (more or less) implemented. Whether pigs originating from endemic areas (mostly rural settings) are transported across (regional) borders, is unknown but assumed less likely.
Porcine cysticercosis can be decreased by preventing or treating T. solium taeniosis in humans combined with good sanitation and hygiene. Pigs should not be exposed to human faeces, or food and water contaminated with tapeworm eggs.Pigs should be housed.Pork should be inspected before entering the food chain and/or properly cooked. Improved knowledge about the disease in affected communities is needed.Prevent humans from eating uncooked or poorly cooked tissues of infected pigs.Prevention of illegal slaughter and selling of uninspected, infected pork.Enhanced meat inspection removes infected pork from being consumed.
Routinely through meat inspection in abattoirs. Meat inspection has a low sensitivity, a lot of especially lightly infected carcasses will be missed. Nevertheless, large numbers of pigs are home slaughtered or in illegal slaughter places where carcases are not controlled.
Sustainable success in control requires an integrated One Health approach utilizing two or more control options targeting both the intermediate (pig) and definitive host (human).Numerous trials have evaluated the impact of health education and/or treatment of humans with taeniacides, and/or vaccination plus medication of pigs on T. solium transmission, with varying frequencies and design (mass treatment/ vaccination, targeted, ring based etc) with varying outcomes, measured over relative short intervals of time. Trials focussing on one host generally have a more modest reduction in transmission.An optimal health education strategy was designed using the PRECEDE-PROCEED (Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Constructs in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation) model in Burkina Faso. Results showed a small though significant decrease in cumulative incidence and prevalence of active human cysticercosis in two of the three provinces included in the study.Two studies (Peru and Zambia) have evaluated frequent Cysvax® vaccination plus oxfendazole treatment of pigs together with treatment of the human population with taeniacide and health education in school going children (Zambia) and the general population. Both studies achieved the elimination of active T. solium transmission in pigs.Studies in Tanzania and Uganda, combining pig vaccination and treatment have also obtained significant reductions in porcine cysticercosis. In Lao PDR the combination of human and porcine mass drug administrations as well as porcine vaccination led to a significant decrease in human taeniosis.
Insufficient cost data available, potentially high relative costs for low-income countries.One study in Lao PDR indicated the need to include impact on other pathogens benefiting from the control strategies (e.g., soil transmitted helminths in human) to improve the cost effectiveness of the intervention.
The WHO/FERG initiative estimated the global burden of T. solium at 2.79 million DALYs/year, causing over 28 thousand deaths per year (2010 estimate). Including symptomatic and asymptomatic cases, the total number of people with neurocysticercosis, has been estimated between 2.56–8.30 million. Due to its significant socio-and economic burden it was ranked as most important foodborne parasite by WHO and FAO.Country level estimates of human health and economic burden have been published for Cameroon, Tanzania, Mozambique, Ecuador, India, Mexico and South Africa.The Value of Statistical life approach used to combine human health and economic losses in pig industry into single monetary burden for; Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Uganda.
Treatment of both taeniosis and neurocysticercosis are hindered due to access to diagnostics. Cost of treatment varies between cheap (<$1) and relatively expensive (>$3) in different endemic countries. Effective drugs are not universally available in all endemic countries.Neurocysticercosis related direct costs are mostly medical, while unemployment and inability to work are the main causes for indirect costs. The total annual costs due to neurocysticercosis -associated epilepsy has been estimated to amount to 5.9 million USD in Tanzania and 9.8 million USD in West Cameroon. In South Africa, the overall monetary burden was estimated to vary from 18.6 to 34.2 million USD depending on the method used to estimate productivity losses.In Mexico, on average 436 USD are lost per patient. If loss of future years of income and productivity due to neurocysticercosis -associated deaths is included, in total 54.3 million are lost, assuming that these individuals earned Mexico's median wage salary. Diagnosis and treatment of neurocysticercosis are expensive (CT or MRI scans needed) and country dependent. Cost-of-illness studies indicate costs for seizures of $126/ hospital visit (Zambia), $106/ neurocysticercosis epilepsy case (Tanzania), drugs for epilepsy are cheap, but the treatment usually must be continued for the whole life.Control in human is achieved most rapidly and optimally by applying an integrated, One Health approach tackling both the human and pig host. Cost of MDA in humans substantial but opportunities exist to integrate with other MDA programs including current TDA.
Economic loss estimates in the pig sector are based upon likely lower value/condemnation of carcasses within the informal sector.In China, around 200 million kg of pork with a value of more than 120 million is discarded annually due to porcine cysticercosis.In Tanzania porcine cysticercosis is responsible for an annual pig production loss of 2.8 million USD.In Zambia, a pig loses 55% of its value when infected and farmers are unable to sell their pigs pig in 95% of cases where porcine cysticercosis is suspected after tongue inspection.In Mexico, and additional 19 million USD were estimated to be lost due to porcine cysticercosis.
Control of T. solium alone is not economically viable (Lao PDR) but high benefit/cost ratio were obtained when production limiting disease(s) (CSF) is (are) added in the assessment.Willingness to Pay for Cysvax® is present in Uganda pig farmers if premium price available for vaccinated pigs.Willingness to pay has also been reported from Zambia.
Opportunity cost to meat inspectors for undertaking incision during inspection.
Porcine Cysticercosis causes significant economic loss to farmers and meat traders through condemnation of infected meat and offal.
EU import regulations. The meat is subject to meat inspection and certified fit for human consumption. OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code 2019 chapter 15.4 provides guidance on importation of meat in relation to porcine cysticercosis.Currently no impact suspected as the affected pigs from endemic areas are usually not imported in the EU.
Evidence remains of (rare)autochthonous transmission within EU demonstrates need to enforce regulations.
None expected.
Not known.
Seasonality in relation to free roaming of pigs Seasonality in relation to the survival and distribution/spread of eggs in the environment. See also Section “Stability of the agent/pathogen in the environment”.
Lack of awareness and a clear mandate at national and international level (General lack of political commitment and advocacy).Lack of large-scale hybrid implementation studies.Lack of validated sensitive/specific and affordable diagnostic tests in humans and pigs.Lack of a One Health approach towards control, including One Health based implementation and evaluation of cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit.Lack of monitoring and surveillance systems.Registration of Cysvax® vaccine and oxfendazole for use in pigs not completed in many endemic countries.Distribution and delivery systems of Cysvax® vaccine and oxfendazole not setup yet.Cultural practises regarding latrine use, pig keeping and consumption of raw meat.
Main risk from pigs is infection of humans and the difficulty in breaking the cycle. Human tapeworm carriers present a risk for infection of pigs and people.Increase of neurocysticercosis cases in Europe through mobility of tapeworm carriers from endemic countries.
Cysticercosis is of major importance in LMIC where it is a neglected zoonoses and where the neural form is grossly under diagnosed and contributes to social and economic impairment. Control of the tapeworm in humans is important, but treatment is challenging due to the difficulty in finding the very few cases that exist. Improvements in sanitation, education and pig rearing practices in wealthy countries have seen cysticercosis disappear indicating that similar measures would be effective if they could be implemented in current endemic areas. However, these improvements have not been achieved sustainably to-date in any T. solium endemic region without simultaneous improvements in general living standards. Condemnation or thorough cooking of infected meat is important but in poor areas the presence of meat inspection is unlikely, and the discarding of infected meat is impossible to achieve. Control of infection in pigs either by vaccination or pre slaughter treatment with a compound which kills the cysticerci is possible although their costs and application may be too high to enable implementation in developing countries. Increasing knowledge and awareness creation are essential for uptake and sustained control.Elimination of the disease is theoretically possible but requires an integrated One Health approach and utilizing two or more control options in both hosts of the parasite at a high frequency. Additional close monitoring and surveillance will be essential for maintenance of control/elimination.
Sarah Gabriël, Ghent University, Belgium – [Leader].
Marshall Lightowlers, Melbourne University, Australia.
Seth O’Neal, Oregon Health & Science University and Center for Global Health, Peru.
Bui Khanh Linh, Viet Nam National University of Agriculture, Vietnam.
Lian Thomas, International Livestock Research Institute, Kenya.
Kabemba Evans Mwape, University of Zambia, Zambia.
Veronique Dermauw, Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp, Belgium.
Chiara Trevisan, Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp, Belgium.
Pierre Dorny, Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp, Belgium.
29 September 2021.
Several facilitators can play a role, from different sectors such as value chain actors (pig farmers and traders), community actors (extension officers, WASH agents, health staff in dispensaries, traditional healers, community leaders, schools, media), policy level actors (Ministries for Agriculture, Health, Education, Social welfare, WHO/OIE/FAO).Other facilitators: Markets, legislation, financial support mechanisms needed for control initiatives.
Lack of awareness at different levels.